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Calling Rust from C# in Unity
insights Martin insights Martin

Calling Rust from C# in Unity

As mentioned before, we use the Rust programming language to implement some of the functionality of the tool in one of our games. The name of the game has now been released -Ultimechs - and we recently published a gameplay reveal trailer.While we use Rust for the core gameplay, we still use Unity for everything else in the game. Unity has excellent support for rendering the graphics, interfacing with the audio system, reading input from different kinds of controllers, and building for different platforms. We still want to use Unity as a familiar tool for many things, so only the logic for the gameplay and network connectivity is written in Rust. The reasoning behind using Rust for those things were mentioned in the previous blog post, so now is the time to go deeper into the technical details about how we mix Rust and C# code.

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The Inner Workings of a Blaston Bot
insights Simon insights Simon

The Inner Workings of a Blaston Bot

Hi! My name is Simon Cutajar, and I’m one of the game programmers at Resolution Games. I’ve spent the last year using Unity and C# to work on different aspects of Blaston. Today, I thought I’d delve into some of the problems that needed to be solved when writing virtual reality AI bots for Blaston.

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Programming a VR Game Using Rust
insights Martin insights Martin

Programming a VR Game Using Rust

Rapid developments in VR tech have allowed our teams to remain nimble and adaptable to whatever is thrown our way. But, this doesn’t just apply to the devices our games are played on, it also applies to the tech we use to program our games. In today’s post, our CTO Martin Vilcans shares how we are using Rust to program an upcoming title.

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