Hej Resolution
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“Taking the VR Gaming Throne”
Each and every year, Fast Company publishes a list of the world’s Most Innovative Companies. It’s a list that nearly every company wants to appear on, but so few ever get the chance. At Resolution Games, we are incredibly humbled and honored to be included in this year’s selection of the world’s most innovative AR and VR companies.
2021 at Resolution Games
It would be hard to look back at a year like 2021 without remembering just how difficult “the new normal” has been for everyone involved. The challenges we’ve collectively faced since early 2019 have turned “living through unprecedented times” into a common sentiment. And while I remain optimistic about seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, I’m also mindful of the scars that so many of us will carry with us long into the future — and the lessons we’ve learned as a result.